The beautiful and powerful Rio Grande sustains all life in its watershed from Colorado to Mexico,
without regard for national, state, or cultural boundaries. Now, with the climate warming and the water
table lowering, many of us find it a spiritual and moral imperative to get to know our watershed better,
so that we can live more consciously in relation to it and protect all of the life it sustains.
This year, in order to learn more about our watershed, The Albuquerque Mennonite Church, along with
New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light, are offering a series of pilgrimages to various sites along the Rio
Grande. Each pilgrimage will be a confluence of science and spirituality. We will learn from local water users
what their challenges are as well as have time for contemplation and reflection in the presence
of the river. We hope you will join us on one or more of these pilgrimages to experience for yourself the
reward of deeper connection to our river, its watershed, and the many species and cultures to which it
gives life.
Upcoming Events
Lamentation for a Dry River, year 2
Tuesday, Sept. 22, 5:30-6:30
Campbell Road NW, park on Trellis
Walk West on Campbell over the ditch bank
Masks and distancing required
Bring water to add to the river
Previous Events
Spiritual Solstice
June 22, 2019 - 7:00 pm
A Spiritual Solstice will be held at the Rio Grande.
There will be reflections on water in our lives,
the importance of our Rio Grande watershed and music!
Climate Change March
September 20-21, 2019
Tewa Women sacred space.
Lamentation for a Dry River
October 2019
Open Space
November 2019
Collaboration on wildlife and the river.
San Isidro Day
May 2019
With the South Valley Acequia association
Farm Workers Day and Earth Day
April 2019
Action - tabling on insecticides, bees, edible weeds.
World Water Day
March 23, 2019
Gather at Rio Grande River at end of Campbell Rd
Action - Water, poetry, music, a celebration.
Candlemass Taize at Albuquerque Mennonite Church
February 3, 2019 - 5:30-6:30 PM (Sunday Evening)
1300 Girard Blvd, Albuquerque NM
A quiet time to sing, meditate, and reflect on "Deep Spring, Deep Hope." Candlemas
(also St Bridid's Day and Imbolc) is half-way between the winter solstice and the
spring equinox, when we feel both the hope of the first signs of spring and the
challenge that a too-early spring, due to climate change, can be to some plants and animals.
This will be an inter-faith service offered by the Watershed Way group at AMC. If
you wish, bring a candle to be blessed (we will also have some there to give out).
Bringing the Waters Home
January 13, 2019 - 9:30 am
Albuquerque Mennonite Church
1300 Girard Blvd, Albuquerque NM
Action - Celebrate the waters which have blessed our lives.
Bring some water to celebrate and tell a story at the AMC worship service.
Watch this web site as events unfold for 2020!
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